
Suffer First was born on May 31, 2010 in an office cubicle in Dallas, TX. The point of this entire Podcast/Blog site is to tell that story as well as let you hear from others that have, in their own way, adopted a Suffer First philosophy.

My name is, Michael Royce. I look forward to you getting to know me, my story, and the Suffer First philosophy. I have been happily married to my wife for 26 years and we have five children.

The Podcast/Blog is where you will really get to know me and my story, not here. This site launched in June 2019, so it will have all the typical hiccups you have come to expect from new podcasts and blogs. But, if you will endure it will get better over time.

Let me be clear, Suffer First is for anyone that wants Glory. Glory comes in nearly limitless shapes and sizes and you alone get to define what your Glory looks like. Suffer First is NOT just for athletes, that would be ridiculous to the extreme! It is for ANYONE that wishes to have Glory in ANY field of endeavor. Whether you are a salesperson, ballet performer, recruiter, fast-food manager, bodybuilder, skateboarder, or rodeo clown. If you want Glory you will have to Suffer First.

Peace out,

~~Michael Royce ~~